Dr. Ricardo Rosenkranz finds the two "share DNA."
Surviving cancer can mean more than beating the disease.
Dr. Sudip Bose gained some incredible and excruciating memories while serving one of the longest combat tours by a physician since World War II. But for him, one moment from Iraq will always stand out. ?It was a religious holiday and there were thousands and thousands of people marching on the roads,? Bose said, ?and […]
Thanks to advances in treatment, HIV and AIDS don?t instill the same dread that they did in the 1980s and early 1990s, when those diseases were largely misunderstood and spreading rapidly. But they?ve hardly gone away: Today, more than 1.2 million people in the United States are living with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. […]
At Northwestern University, a unique spin on the Buddy System is pairing first-year medical students with people who suffer from the early stages of Alzheimer?s disease or related dementias. The Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer?s Disease Center (CNADC), part of the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, created The Buddy Program in 1998 to allow students […]