How did Rube Goldberg?s name become synonymous with overcomplicated machines that do simple tasks? Because he made cartoon fun of complicated machines. He was so successful at his drawings that a hundred years after his birth, Purdue University decided to harness the obsession Americans have with his absurdly complex machines and founded a competition for […]
One in four girls will be the victim of a crime of violence before she graduates high school, according to the Center for Disease Control. For girls in the worst neighborhoods of Chicago, they make up a disproportionately high part of that terrible statistic. Barbara Rose has been working to change that for the girls […]
Last October, Purdue University firefighter and paramedic Blair Blanch attended a program led by Bill Cannata of the Autism Law Enforcement Education Coalition (ALEC). For Blanch, the session was not just any old lecture. Blanch?s son, Nicholas, who will turn six years old this June, has autism. ?I instantly felt connected to the message this […]
It is one of the world's poorest countries, and it sits in the middle of a crisis that sees attacks on entire villages, forcing people to flee with little or nothing from their homes when armed militants arrive at their doorstep. Human rights watchers estimate that a million people are displaced from their homes; that […]
Purdue does not usually devote a full day to school pride and fundraising. But when it does, it prefers a spectacle. On April 30, Purdue?s inaugural Day of Giving will take place on campus and through the internet for 24 hours on April 30. The theme of the campaign is ?Opportunity Granted,? which captures the […]
Purdue University graduates have walked on the moon, worked in the Mir Space Station, and flown the Shuttle. They also have contributed many others who work at NASA or in the burgeoning private space programs. And eight of the Purdue astronauts came back on campus to talk about their careers and experiences. President Mitch Daniels […]