In the days leading up to the 100th episode of the BTN Originals series "The Journey," we asked members of the show's production team to look back on seasons past. These are the people who travel across the conference each week of the football and basketball seasons to tell the stories around and inside the games. What were their favorite stories? Who were their favorite people? What were the best games? Read what they told us and watch some of their favorite stories. The 100 episode airs Sunday at 9:30 p.m..
The 100th episode of "The Journey: Big Ten Basketball" airs at 9:30 p.m. ET Sunday on BTN/BTN2Go. To help celebrate the milestone episode of our award-winning series, caught up with Mark Titus, arguably the Big Ten's most popular benchwarmer of all time, a compelling "Journey" subject in 2010, and now an author. Among other things, Titus discussed his time at Ohio State, his moment on the show, and why he wore No. 34. "I was basically the Shaq of suburban Indianapolis youth rec league basketball," Titus said.
Over the past nine years and 99 episodes, The Journey has told the story of hundreds of Big Ten athletes as they navigate the twists and turns of football and basketball season. In celebration of the 100th episode, 10 of the most successful athletes ever to appear on The Journey were selected as members of […]
Over the past nine years and 99 episodes, "The Journey" has told the story of hundreds of Big Ten athletes as they navigate the twists and turns of football and basketball season. In celebration of the 100th episode, we selected 10 of the most successful athletes ever to appear on "The Journey" as our "Journey […]
On Sunday, Jan. 31 at 9:30 p.m. ET, Big Ten Network will air the 100th episode of The Journey, the network?s signature original series. The Journey, a documentary-style show covering both football and basketball, has taken viewers behind the scenes with compelling stories of the Big Ten?s student-athletes and coaches since 2007. Over the next […]