Standing for Saliva, Perception, Ingestion, and Tongues, the SPIT Lab at Purdue University studies the myriad facets of how humans perceive their food in an effort to make food that is healthier AND tastier.
Illinois RapidVent is a low-cost and easy-to-produce ventilator system that has been accessed by organizations around the world to help COVID-19 patients.
Chicken thighs offer surgical residents at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine a realistic, yet low-stakes model upon which to practice important techniques.
Antibodies from the University of Iowa's Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank help researchers understand how the novel coronavirus might be stopped.
At the Penn State Hershey Medical Center's COVID-19 testing site, the university is working with area food banks to make sure no one goes hungry.
The University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine is part of studying trying to create a viable vaccine to treat cancer in dogs - and hopefully humans, too.