There are big benefits in that beautiful color.
Chronic inflammation? A spoonful of yogurt may be just what the doctor ordered.
It just might put a little bounce in your step.
Don't underestimate the power of the expiration date.
At your local grocery store, you?ll see an assortment of energy and sport drinks, caffeinated beverages and various juices. In other words, drinks that promise to improve physical performance in one way or another. But what if there was a drink that could scientifically enhance your brain?s performance? A University of Maryland School of Medicine […]
What kind of cookies will you leave for Santa Claus this Christmas? Chocolate chip? Sugar? How about a Kernza cookie? Kernza - also known as intermediate wheatgrass - is a new crop being developed at the University of Minnesota to replace better-known crops, with potentially promising economic and environmental results. Local Minnesota bakeries have started […]