Brent Yarina, Senior Editor, August 9, 2012

Kenny Demens

A few days ago, the shorts (short-pants?) Auburn wore at practice, forced me to look at some of the new fashion trends across Big Ten football practices. At the time, I didn't see anything as old-school as Auburn's look. Then, on Thursday, MGoVideo posted a YouTube video that featured Michigan linebacker in a pair of shorts that would make John Stockton very proud. See a picture of the shorts and watch the entertaining feature, as well, in this post.

Those are some really short shorts! Demens' reasoning for the attire?

"I have massive thighs and I hate having them covered up when I'm working out, especially outside in this hot weather," Demens said in the feature.

As expected, his teammates give him a hard time about the look.

"It's weird," Jordan Kovacs said. "I don't know what he's trying to do with them. "I don't know if he's trying to be cool. I feel uncomfortable behind him, because they're rolled way up."

Yes, but the shorts help Demens stay cooler than the other players.

"At the end of the day, my thighs are breathing," Demens said.

h/t @stephenjnesbitt

Here's the complete video feature: web editor Brent Yarina writes the Clothes Call features. Send him your Big Ten fashion tips here, find all of his work here and follow him on Twitter at @BTNBrentYarina.