Brent Yarina, Senior Editor, August 3, 2012

The next time the Purdue baseball team is picked to host an NCAA regional, it will do so in its own backyard. This past season, of course, Big Ten champ Purdue was forced to go to Gary, Ind., where it hosted a regional at U.S. Steel Yard, because Lambert Field didn't meet NCAA requirements. If and when it happens again, the nearly completed Alexander Field will be more than capable to host such action. See an updated picture, courtesy of the Purdue baseball Facebook page, of the stadium.
That's a nice college baseball park. Here's a picture of the exterior, too. Not a bad place, huh? According to the Purdue Athletics Facebook page, the stadium will be completed later this month.
Here's an old YouTube video on the construction of Alexander Field: web editor Brent Yarina writes the Clothes Call features. Send him your Big Ten fashion tips here, find all of his work here and follow him on Twitter at @BTNBrentYarina.