Brent Yarina, Senior Editor, June 3, 2012
It's been rumored for quite some time that Big Ten football teams will wear a "B1G" patch on their jerseys this fall. Thanks to a tweet from Illinois assistant Alex Golesh (@coachgolesh) — a tweet that has since been deleted — we have a better idea of what it will look like. Golesh tweeted out a picture of the Illinois-themed patch Sunday night, and it looks pretty much as you'd expect.

About what you expected, right? Got to think each school's patch will be similar to this one, from the white background to the white "B" to the "1G" written in the team's respective primary color. It's all about branding, and this accomplishes that goal. web editor Brent Yarina writes the Clothes Call features. Send him your Big Ten fashion tips here, find all of his work here and follow him on Twitter at @BTNBrentYarina.