Brent Yarina, Senior Editor, April 14, 2012

The Michigan football team sported maize shoelaces during Saturday's Spring Game at Michigan Stadium in an effort to support Lace up for Michigan (@LaceUpForUM), a fund-raising effort initiated and run by Wolverine student-athletes with support of the school's athletic dept. And for those wondering, no, Denard "Shoelace" Robinson didn't tie the maize strings.
According to Lace up for Michigan's Facebook page, the purpose of the mission is to "gain full support from the entire student body at the University of Michigan, the Michigan community, and everybody that desires to contribute to a worthy cause so that we can emphasize the importance of appreciation and passion for humankind. The entire profit from this program will go specifically and solely to a student fund within the athletic department, which includes a charitable cause." web editor Brent Yarina writes the Clothes Call features. Send him your Big Ten fashion tips here, find all of his work here and follow him on Twitter at @BTNBrentYarina.