What is at the intersection of images, personal stories, and a spot on a map? If you are Nick Stanhope, you believe it is a connection point for people of different eras. The founder of History Pin believes that the power of that intersection of historical content, pictures, films, audio recordings, and personal stories are […]
Despite strong data and economic proof which demonstrates that everyone benefits when young women are educated and given leadership opportunities, in many countries and even within sections of the United States, women are left out of the leadership equation. So how do we get more women equipped to have a seat at the table in […]
Purdue Athletic Chaplain Marty Dittmar worked to build and open an orphanage northeast of Mirebalais, Haiti. Built entirely by volunteers, the Purdue community has contributed considerable time, effort, and money to making the Ephraim Orphan Project a reality. The orphanage opened its doors about 9 months ago. LiveBIG sat down with Chaplain Dittmar to get an […]
Penn State senior Denzel Middleton is recovering from THON, the annual student-run dance marathon. As an independent dance couple, he and his partner raised over $11,000 - a significant percentage of the $13.3 million raised this year. Middleton believes he was able to succeed at THON, complete his graduate school applications, and serve as an […]
Born out of passion and fueled by desire or necessity, entrepreneurship lives at the intersection of innovation and ownership. And, from small clubs across the country to the television show ?Shark Tank,? entrepreneurship is all the rage right now. A group of University of Michigan undergraduates is taking their love for the entrepreneurial spirit and […]
For the past 37 years, Penn State University?s student body have pulled together the largest student-run fundraising effort, called THON. Many universities have dance marathons to support charities, but Penn State students blow it out at a scale that is unmatched. The student body has successfully raised more than $100 million for pediatric cancer patients […]