Brent Yarina, Senior Editor, July 16, 2013

What does one give Thad Matta as a birthday present? Gum, if you're looking for a cheap gift that you know he'll love and use. The Buckeye Nuthouse, the team's official student section, sent Matta a season's supply of Juicy Fruit for his 46th birthday last week.
The Buckeye Nuthouse call the packages of gum a "season's supply," but the way Matta chews it, who knows how long it will last. Then again, Matta is a resourceful guy. Remember in 2007, when the coach dropped his gum to the floor and put it right back in his mouth? Watch the famous video.
Obviously, Matta loved the thoughtful and practical gift. I mean, look at him showing off his new gum collection in the photo above.
About Brent Yarina | web editor Brent Yarina covers football and men's basketball for He writes the popular uniform feature "Clothes Call," which also focuses on the latest cosmetic changes across Big Ten arenas and stadiums. Read all of his work here. You can subscribe to Yarina's RSS feed and follow him on Twitter @BTNBrentYarina. |