Brent Yarina, Senior Editor, May 13, 2013
There was a time when Minnesota offensive coordinator Matt Limegrover weighed more than 400 pounds. To be exact, he was 403 pounds in January 2012. Failed diet after diet, Limegrover opted for gastric bypass surgery last May. Fast forward one year, and the offensive coordinator tips the scales at 235 pounds. Having shed nearly 170 pounds from his frame, Limegrover looks and feels like a new person. See the before and after photos in this post.
[ Gophers' Limegrover: From 403 pounds to a 'totally different person' ]
Here's Limegrover from his 400-pound days:

And the new, improved Limegrover:

About Brent Yarina | web editor Brent Yarina covers football and men's basketball for He writes the popular uniform feature "Clothes Call," which also focuses on the latest cosmetic changes across Big Ten arenas and stadiums. Read all of his work here. You can subscribe to Yarina's RSS feed and follow him on Twitter @BTNBrentYarina. |