Brent Yarina, Senior Editor, April 3, 2013

Ohio State star quarterback Braxton Miller has a new hairdo. If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and check out the photo in this post.

Needless to say, it's an interesting look. As a coworker joked, it's part Wesley Snipes in Demolition Man, part Sisqo.You can also throw the Honey Badger in there.

Who knows how long the faux mohawk lasts, but everyone should appreciate that Miller broke out the 'do during the slow spring months.

Thoughts, Big Ten fans?

About Brent Yarina web editor Brent Yarina covers football and men's basketball for He writes the popular uniform feature "Clothes Call," which also focuses on the latest cosmetic changes across Big Ten arenas and stadiums. Read all of his work here. You can subscribe to Yarina's RSS feed and follow him on Twitter @BTNBrentYarina.