Brent Yarina, Senior Editor, May 16, 2012

Nick Mangold is an entertainer, no doubt about it. If you follow the former Ohio State center on Twitter (@nickmangold), you know this all too well. Mangold took his likable ways to another level on Tuesday night's Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. If you missed it, let's just say his upper body is a lot smoother. That's right, Mangold had his chest waxed on national tv during a skit called "Wax On, Wax Off." It looked painful — nothing an NFL player can't handle, though — and, wow, was it funny. Watch the videos of the hilarious segment.

Nick Mangold
Alan Maglaque-US PRESSWIRE

View Mangold's New York Jets' player profile.

Brent Yarina is a web editor and blogger for Find all of his work here and follow him on twitter at @BTNBrentYarina.