Sean Merriman, web editor, September 17, 2015
Ohio State's 2014 National Championship trophy leaves Michigan's name off the opponent list: Buckeye Breakfast
— Doug Lesmerises (@DougLesmerises) September 17, 2015
The Woody Hayes Athletic Center, on the campus of Ohio State, features an incredible new trophy display.
Included in the display is the must-see 2014 National Championship Trophy, which features a list of all 15 games from the Buckeyes' 2014 title run.
However, the trophy happens to be missing the name "Michigan" on it.
If you take a look at the photo above, OSU's opponent on Nov. 29 is listed as "TUN," which of course stands for "Team Up North." That is the term the Buckeyes use to refer to their Big Ten rival school.
Should Michigan fans be surprised by this?
Well, they don't call it the greatest rivalry in college sports for nothing!