staff, staff, November 19, 2013

Did you miss something while you stepped away from your computer? We?re tracking some of the best Big Ten social media happenings and posting them all right here. Check out today?s edition, including a clarification about Ohio State's alternate uniform at Michigan.

Like what you see? We do this every weekday. Visit our Clicks archive.

Here are Tuesday?s B1G Clicks:

Our take: Who knew snow hats came in so handy on a plane?

Our take: So, there's that. Here's the uniform, if you're curious.

Our take: Click here and enjoy Michigan State's dance party. You're welcome.

Our take: Do we really need to say it?! Vote!!!

Our take: We'll have to wait a little longer for Donte "Hitner" to be legal.

Our take: Fran promised an exciting brand of basketball, didn't he?

Our take: Just a bit surprising.