Tom Dienhart, Senior Writer, July 16, 2013
I attended a clinic for officials in the Big Ten, MAC and MVC last weekend in the Chicago area. During one part of the clinic, Big Ten director of officials Bill Carollo gave attendees an exam to complete. Here is a copy (with the answers) of the exam I received. Take a look at the questions-and feel free to test the college football rules knowledge of your friends and family.
[ RELATED: Bill Carollo: 'We have to change behavior' ]
Ready to test your college football rules knowledge? I'll warn you, these are not easy.
How'd you do? Pretty tough, huh?
About Tom Dienhart | senior writer Tom Dienhart is a veteran sports journalist who covers Big Ten football and men's basketball for and BTN TV. Find him on Twitter and Facebook, read all of his work at, and subscribe to his posts via RSS. Also, send questions to his weekly mailbag using the form below and read all of his previous answers in his reader mailbag section. |
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