Brent Yarina, Senior Editor, June 2, 2012

Like many of us, Big Ten products are all over Twitter. They let us into their lives in 140 characters or less, and they often delight and entertain us in a way that wouldn't be possible without the service. See some of our favorite Big Ten-centric tweets from Saturday in this post.

So true. I think I can reach for that paper towel myself, too.

If father knows best, as they say, grandfather must know even better. Right?

Ha! Reminds us of Dumb & Dumber. You know, this clip:

Just another day in the NCAA tourney! Triple play here, 21 innings last night between Kentucky and Kent State and 28 runs today for TCU. Crazy 12 hours, to say the least.

Impressive. Guess Rodney Williams won't be the only high-flying Gopher next year. See for yourself:

Great seats at one of the game's greatest stadiums.

Have a relevant tweet worthy of spotlighting here? Tweet it to @BTNBrentYarina.